ONE DREAM manufacture furniture based on our available products & designs and are imported directly from the factory in Guangdong - China according to the orders of partners or customers.

  • Products can be customized according to material and size.
  • For Import items, the minimum order for the product must be at least USD 50,000.


  • Deposit 50% at first. The remaining payment will be made about 10-12 days before the delivery date.


  • Lead time will be 70 days for the orders from 1 to 100 pieces.


  • Offers 1 year warranty for products damaged due to defects in materials, technical and installation errors.
  • Process of warranty shall start on inspection on the product and notify you if it is under scope and implement a repair or replacement product in accordance with our policy.
  • Maintenance policy:
    For products that are not within the warranty scope or after the 1 year warranty period has expired, ONE DREAM still receives lifetime maintenance of the product at a reasonable cost depending on the condition of the product.


ONE DREAM will exchange goods and return to customers in the following condition:

  • The goods are not of the right type and model as you have ordered (the product is listed in the invoice).
  • Customers can exchange new products due to technical defects of the manufacturer. Defective products can only be exchanged after technical confirmation and compliance with the purchase invoice and warranty card of the goods.
  • The new product must be of equal to the exchanged product.


+84 899607968

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